
Auto Gas Millage – How to Save on Gas

Auto Gas mileage is the miles your car will travel for each gallon of gasoline. Let’s find the gas mileage on your car. Gas Mileage Tracker can print MPG reports sorted by car or fill date. A blank report can be printed to use as a form to manually fill in MPG fuel data while at the service station. Gasoline consumption depends on the vehicle’s engine, i.e.

Gasoline consumption has increased. Magnification and then inertia conflict with various laws of physics. Auto Gas Mileage Tracker is an MPG program designed to help you understand and track your gas mileage and gas usage. You can track total miles and gas mileage, total highway miles and highway gas mileage, as well as city miles and city gas mileage.

Shared car to go to work. Try not to drive during rush hour to reduce idling in traffic. Automakers do what we tell them to do with our money. If consumers choose car gas mileage over size, automakers will make cars with better gas mileage. Cars must average 27.5 miles per gallon. The government measure overstates actual fuel economy by 18 percent, experts say.

Fuel efficiency is sound national energy policy, economic policy, and foreign policy all rolled into one. Every one mile per gallon increase in automobile fuel efficiency produces more oil than in two Arctic National Wildlife Refuges. Fuel economy, however, was reduced across the board. In highway driving, the cars’ gas mileage dropped from 21 to 15 mpg; in city driving, it dropped from 9 to 7 mpg. provides some numbers on 2007 hybrid SUVs, showing us that the average mpg for these cars is around 30 mpg. What this means in out-of-pocket terms is that it will currently cost you around $40 to fill one of these babies up and you’ll be able to drive over 400 miles before filling it up again.

Perhaps the biggest surprise is that the all-wheel drive Subaru Forester has almost as good a fuel economy as the front-wheel drive-only competition. This makes it the best buy and we highly recommend it if you need traction. Perhaps by using higher octane in these so called “high performance” engines we can get better mileage? Perhaps you left the car idling for a long time. Maybe you did a lot of stop-start driving.

Hybrid owners have not been exempt from feeling this pinch either. In our tests, we fell short of the EPA estimates of 60 mpg city and 51 mpg highway. Hybrids combine gasoline engines with electric motors. You don’t need to plug your car in at night, and you get excellent mileage, averaging 40 to 60 miles per gallon for passenger cars like the Toyota Prius or Honda Civic hybrid.

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