How to start planning for your retirement

Retirement planning isn’t something you decide to do after you’ve saved a lot of money and decide to visit a financial advisor. Instead, it’s something you should start doing as soon as you get your starting job out of high school or college. You shouldn’t wait until it’s too late to save the money you need for retirement. Here are […]

Treatment Options for Male Yeast Infections

Men and women share many physical problems, and yeast infections are just one more shared category. The same burning and itching felt by a woman suffering from a yeast infection is almost identical to the discomfort experienced by a man when she has a penile infection. Both men and women know what it is to be affected by tenderness and […]

Breakfast: The Heaviest Meal Of The Day

Breakfast should be the heaviest meal of the day., contrary to the common belief that it should be lunch. And since it should be the heaviest meal of the day, you have to make sure it contains all the necessary nutrients. skipping breakfast o Eating breakfast too light is a very common mistake today. Because too many people are in […]

Why is the law an ass?

Do you know that there is a saying called “the Law is an ass”? It is derived from an English proverb that compares the stubbornness and stupidity of the law to the supposed innate nature of a donkey. Charles Dickens popularized it in his novel “Oliver Twist” where Mr. Bumble is told in court regarding his domineering wife that “…his […]

Deployment of LMS to outsource training to banking and finance staff

The digital learning landscape across the banking industry is changing at a rapid pace. Today, banking and finance companies are moving from conventional training methods to an engaging online learning approach. Online workplace learning proves to be an effective solution when it comes to addressing the different training challenges faced by professionals in the industry. The need to train the […]