Lifestyle Fashion

Are you sick of being dumped because you are insecure and jealous?

Did your boyfriend leave you because you wouldn’t leave him alone? Did you drive him crazy with questions about where and with whom he was?

This is a guaranteed way to lose a relationship. When a partner is insecure and jealous, everything is in danger. Being teased all the time for his every move would drive a wedge between even the most loving partners.

It all came to a head when your boyfriend went to a game with his friends and you accused him of being with another girl. He got over it and told you. So now you’re alone crying without the boy you thought you loved. What a mess. Didn’t you see the warning signs? How angry I was every time you showed how insecure you were. He thought he had met a great girl like he told you, but he didn’t join in on all your emotional baggage.

For now, leave it alone, as you have a lot of work to do on yourself. Your boyfriend was a tolerant guy with a lot of friends who loved you, but you tried to change him. You wanted me to be with you twenty-four hours a day and not have a life of its own. Don’t be offended, but he wasn’t your prisoner, just your partner. You needed to trust him and let him have his space.

So why have you become so insecure and jealous? First we have to look at your latest relationships and maybe we will find a cheating or controlling boyfriend. You may have thought they were your soul mate until the day you caught him cheating on another woman. The problem is how it affected you. Instead of knowing that this guy was an idiot, you projected all the negativity onto yourself. You swore you would never let it happen again, so when you were with your now ex boyfriend you would not lose sight of him. This made you feel anxious all the time and accused him of doing the same thing the other had done. You didn’t give your ex a chance because you decided they would cheat and made it your ritual to make sure it didn’t happen again.

What a way to live. I can see you controlling the poor at every move like some kind of super detective waiting to catch him. Instead, he got tired of it and left you. Who could blame him? He probably thought you were starting to act like some kind of stalker.

Just because something bad happens, you can’t take it with you to every relationship. You have to figure it out and leave it at the door. Unless you are in the habit of choosing serial cheaters, which I highly doubt you ever met a good one this time. The only way to get it back is by showing that it has changed. You may need counseling if you cannot do it on your own, as some wounds are very deep. It could be things from your childhood, even when dad may have cheated on your mom, so you think all boys do this. Get the help you need and don’t let other people’s attitudes ruin your chances of a good relationship. Anyway, I would think that you are already exhausted. It’s no fun having to watch your boyfriend all the time.

So, either with counseling or on your own, control these insecurities and jealousy. If you think you’ve done it, getting back with this guy is going to take some work. But it can be done. If you’ve followed my advice and haven’t bothered him while doing your own personal reconstruction, he would have noticed. The next thing to do is hang out with friends and have fun. Make sure you look really good, as you want her to appreciate what she saw the first time she asked you out. Do not show any signs of sadness or depression, as they will think that you are still the same.

You scared this guy so getting him back won’t be easy. You could contact him and tell him that you’re sorry you put him through all that insecurity and that you know he’s a nice guy. Then leave it alone again. Time will heal and if he sees that you look good and confident that he may have a chance. Next time let the poor man breathe. If you go back to him and you feel those old insecurities resurface, take a deep breath and remember that this is a thing of the past.

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