Health Fitness

Appetite Control – Healthy Lifestyle Ingredient

Do you crave certain foods? Are you always hungry between meals? Does your energy fluctuate depending on the food you eat? Are you gaining weight? More than 60% of Canadians have insulin resistance, a leading cause of obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, and diabetes. With insulin resistance, normal amounts of insulin are inadequate to produce a normal response from fat, muscle, and liver cells. People with insulin resistance have poor control over blood sugar levels and appetite. Regions of the brain responsible for appetite regulation, such as the satiety center located behind the ears, respond to post-meal surges in insulin by increasing glucose uptake, resulting in decreased appetite and feelings of hunger. satiety. Think of the appetite control center that has an “off” button that only responds to insulin and fat. With insulin resistance, your appetite never goes down.

With obesity rates reaching epidemic proportions in the last decade, much research has been done in this field.

Researchers have discovered that the satiety center (located in the part of the brain behind the air) responds positively to good fats and proper blood glucose control.

Here are 8 easy ways to normalize your appetite naturally:

1. Portion control.

Here’s an easy way to monitor your food intake:

Draw a circle like a plate, divide it in half, then again divide the half into 2 halves. Use this model when eating in or out: half your plate should be taken up by vegetables, raw is ideal, the other half should be split evenly between protein and carbs.

2. Take your time when eating.

Breakdown and assimilation work best in parasympathetic (relaxed) mode

3. Plan your meals in advance.

Your urge to make the wrong food choices will lessen when presented with the opportunity to grab something healthy and ready to go.

4. Drink the necessary amount of water, but do not mix your food with liquids. Water needs are calculated based on your weight and activity levels and should be met between meals.

5. Increase your intake of dietary fiber and protein throughout the day.

Protein deficiency is associated with sugar cravings. A good fiber supplement normally normalizes blood sugar by keeping it constant for longer, thus minimizing feelings of hunger (low blood sugar).

6.Take a daily multivitamin with chromium.

Chromium is an essential nutrient for the health of the pancreas, the organ in charge of manufacturing insulin and therefore glucose metabolism.

7. Participate in a regular exercise program.

Numerous studies have shown that regular exercise has a balancing effect on insulin metabolism.

These simple strategies tend to work well for 90% of people interested in regulating their appetite.

Otherwise, it should be taken as a sign of another underlying condition that is worth investigating by a healthcare professional who will help you address the underlying imbalance to regain appetite control.

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