
All about dentures

Anyone who has ever lost a tooth to cavities, accidents, or had a tooth extracted due to misalignment has often wondered if missing or missing teeth could be replaced. Don’t worry, the dentist has a way to restore your smile, this is through the denture procedure.

What are dentures?

These are prosthetic dental framework applications that are removable and used to hold a set of artificial teeth, or may contain only one tooth. They are fixed and supported by the gum on the jawbone and the entire ridge of the jaw in the mouth, giving it an individual tooth appearance.

There are two common types of dentures available based on the number of teeth / teeth that are missing or looking to be replaced.

Types of dentures

Complete denture, it is applied when all the teeth have been extracted from the mouth and you are looking to obtain a new set of teeth. These are divided into two categories;

1. Immediate or temporary dentures and 2. Complete permanent dentures.

1. Immediate dentures, also known as transitional dentures, are installed immediately after the mouth is complete without any teeth. They are intended to allow the gum and jaw to heal, as well as to maintain the jaw’s ability to support a new set of teeth. They help one to continue their healthy life despite missing natural teeth while permanent dentures are prepared.

2. Permanent dentures follow after complete healing has taken place and all tissues have healed. Conventional dentures are still removable and can be worn as long as they are cared for like natural teeth.

Partial denture, this is when a tooth or part of its dental formula is replaced with an artificial one. The artificial tooth can be made of acrylic or valplast and, using metal frames such as cobalt or titanium, they are fixed in the space of the missing tooth.

The cost of dentures

The cost of obtaining dentures varies depending on the type and material used to make the dentures. It is advised to look for them and understand the cost and the whole process. However, they are quite affordable and there is no need for anyone to be without teeth just because they are afraid to get dentures.

Alternative to dentures

The only alternative to dentures is to keep your teeth natural, but when you start to lose them, the only solution for you is dentures. They are good and recommended for anyone with missing teeth; This is because the loss of teeth greatly changes the appearance of a person without forgetting their smile.

So the missing tooth solution is to get partial or full dentures.

Benefits of dentures

• Improve your confidence by giving you a beautiful and magnificent smile.

• The teeth are a fundamental tool in pronunciation, since most of the front teeth allow proper pronunciation.

• Gives one the ability to chew like normal teeth

• Improving facial appearance

Tips on how to care for dentures

Taking good care of your dentures gives you a permanent solution for missing teeth, regular cleaning and brushing with the proper mouthwash is recommended.

Never allow your dentures to dry out by always placing them in a cleaning solution or plain water when not in use.

Regular visits to the dentist, this will help you with things like pain and readjustments you may need.

Always clean your mouth thoroughly by brushing your gums, tongue, and palate.

Never drop your dentures as they are made of a very delicate material and can easily break.

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