
Affordable Solutions for Pitbull Jumping That Work

The sight of a blue-nosed pit bull jumping on another human being is cause for alarm. Having a pit bull jump on you is the equivalent of having a lion jump on you at the circus while you’re sitting in the audience. That the dog is trying to be friendly is irrelevant.

Pit bulls can weigh up to 90 pounds and can easily knock you down. If your strong, untrained blue-nosed pit bull decides to pounce on an unsuspecting child, the results can be disastrous. I am going to show you how to stop your blue nose pit bull from jumping on you and other people.

Are you the alpha or the beta?

Just like humans, the Blue Nose Pit Bull is a social creature. There is only one leader, and that is the Alpha dog. The Alpha dog is the leader of the pack. Then there is the Beta. The Beta is just below the Alpha dog, but above the rest of the pack.

Finally, there is the Omega. The Omega is submissive to all the dogs in the pack. Before he can hope to achieve success in stopping pitbull jumping, he must establish himself as the Alpha.


Consistency is key to success in dog training. Many pit bull owners are not consistent. If you never want your dog to jump on you, then every time he jumps on you, you need to correct him. If he doesn’t correct you every time he jumps on you, he’ll get mixed messages. He will continue to assume that it is okay to jump on you.

The two phases of dog learning

Dogs learn in two phases. The first phase is when they are actually learning the desired behavior. The dog is learning what is expected of him. The second phase is called the test phase.

This phase is when the dog knows what is expected of him, but tests him to see if he will consistently enforce his requests.

Wearing a pinch collar to prevent Pitbull from jumping out

Keep in mind that in addition to being unpleasant, the correction must be made immediately after your dog has transgressed. If you wait too long to give the correction, your dog will not associate the correction with the wrong action.

The pinch collar is especially useful on pit bulls. The pinch is like the pinch on the neck that a puppy’s mother would give him if she had to correct him. The pinch collar also simulates the way the alpha dog corrects a pack member. Give a little pinch on the neck.

Obviously, you wouldn’t put your mouth on your dog’s neck. So the next best thing would be a pinch collar. The neck brace was designed to produce the same effect. When you wear a tooth necklace correctly, the results are phenomenal.

I must warn you. Training collars are different. The type of training collar you would use on a chihuahua is not the same type of training collar you would use on a blue nose pit bull! The type of dog collar you buy should be in accordance with your dog’s breed, temperament, and personality.

Buy the right size pinch collar

Unfortunately, too many dog ​​owners purchase the wrong size collet collar. Another mistake dog owners make when buying a collar is that they mistakenly believe that the size of the collar is determined by the number of teeth. The size of the collar is determined by the size of the prongs.

Applying the pressure collar

When fitting your dog’s pinch collar, you should be able to fit half a finger to a finger between the end of the barb and the skin on the dog’s neck. If you have to stick your fingers under the tip, that means the tip is too tight.

Observe your dog closely once you’ve attached the collar to determine where the problem lies.
If the snap collar is too loose, it will irritate your skin from constant rubbing. Or, worse yet, the quills themselves bang against the dog’s neck when given a correction.

The best fit is when the collar fits comfortably around your dog’s neck, not too loose and not too tight. Keep in mind that your dog may initially hate the feel of cold metal around his neck. In a few days, you’ll get used to it.
When to wear the pinch collar

During the first few months of training, and especially when you’re trying to keep your pitbull from jumping on you and others, your dog should wear the pressure collar every time you interact with him. Just as the leader of his pack would always have his teeth and mouth on hand to correct him if he steps out of line, you should be able to quickly correct him when necessary.

Avoid Smart Collar Pitbulls

Some pitbulls get “neck smart.” That means they know they are full angels when the necklace is on. But when the collar is removed, they misbehave. This is why it is important to keep the collar on consistently during the first few months of training.

Remember, only keep the collar on when you are interacting with the dog to prevent accidental choking. The pinch collar is an excellent remedy to stop pitbull jumping behavior.

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