Health Fitness

Abdominoplasty – Abdominoplasty – Addresses weight fluctuation during pregnancy and aging

Factors such as weight fluctuation during pregnancy and the aging process can cause loose skin and excess fat to mar the appearance of the abdomen. This redundant skin and fat often remains despite a sensible diet and regular physical activity. These aesthetic abdominal problems can be a source of embarrassment and frustration for both men and women.

A tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) surgically removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the separated muscles that often occur after pregnancy. Although a tummy tuck offers the benefit of improved abdominal contour, scarring is an inevitable result. Unlike liposuction, which produces minimal scarring, a tummy tuck removes skin and creates much larger marks.

The extent of scarring will be determined by the nature of the problems being treated. Those with a considerable amount of skin to remove will benefit from improved contour, but scarring around the navel and from hip to hip will also result.

For patients with less extensive problems, such as limited excess skin and muscle laxity that only occurs below the navel, much smaller incisions are needed, resulting in less extensive scarring. This procedure is known as a “mini-tummy tuck.”

The scars from many mini tummy tucks are similar to the scars that occur during a hysterectomy or cesarean section. Although tummy tuck incisions are placed to be hidden as much as possible, under underwear and swimsuit lines, potential patients should carefully weigh the cosmetic benefits of the surgery against the scarring issues when deciding whether to undergo surgery. to the procedure.

the query

During the consultation, a discussion of the patient’s medical history and aesthetic goals occurs. An exam assesses such things as body contour, the amount of skin and fat to be removed, muscle and skin tone, and skeletal changes.

Any patient who is more than 50% above their ideal body weight should consult a weight loss specialist before undergoing cosmetic surgery. Patients should also postpone tummy tuck surgery until they have finished having children. It is also essential that smokers stop smoking at least one month before surgery and one month after.

Smoking can cause significant healing problems in tummy tuck patients. Each individual has specific goals and unique anatomical considerations. The detailed consultation will address these issues for individualized results.


This procedure should always be performed in a fully accredited center by a board certified plastic surgeon. Anesthesiologists must also be board certified for optimal safety and comfort. A good plastic surgeon will create an incision plan with the patient the morning of surgery, taking into account preferred styles of underwear and swimwear. Fat contour areas are also marked prior to surgery.

During the procedure, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdominal wall. Muscle stretching will also be performed. An additional benefit of abdominoplasty is the reduction of stretch marks, although complete removal of stretch marks should not be expected. Although the procedure can significantly reduce abdominal skin and excess fat and also tighten the tummy muscles, an ideal “hourglass” figure will not be achieved surgically.

The recuperation

Although the surgery is performed under general anesthesia, your surgeon will also use local anesthesia during the procedure to help control pain shortly after surgery. Patients typically spend 1-2 nights at a night center designed for post-plastic surgery patient care. The pain is usually well controlled with oral analgesics. However, stronger pain relievers can be given intravenously, if needed.

Ambulation is recommended the night of surgery. Pneumatic pumps will be used on your legs in an effort to prevent blood clots until you can walk. Your surgeon will see you the day after surgery. Most patients can return to light work activity in 10 to 14 days. You should not drive until oral narcotics are no longer required to control pain.

Exercise activity may progress, as directed by your surgeon. Normal physical activity is generally allowed at 6 weeks. Tissues feel firmer than normal for at least 1-2 months. Most of the swelling has subsided at 3 months. The scars will usually continue to fade for 2 years.

What are some of the particular concerns regarding tummy tuck surgery?

Although abdominoplasty offers a high rate of patient satisfaction, certain aspects should be carefully considered before proceeding. Due to the incisions used in skin removal, permanent scarring will occur. Although it tends to lighten over the first 2 years, the scar is permanent and, in some cases, long. With the full tummy tuck, there is also a scar around the belly button.

A patient must be willing to accept this as compensation for a potentially improved contour. It should also be noted that although stretch marks are often reduced, some still remain after the procedure. Also, a marked narrowing of the waist and an ideal “hourglass figure” are not realistic expectations of the procedure.

Loss of sensation is also a risk, and although it is usually temporary, permanent loss can also occur. The greatest loss of sensation occurs in the navel area, near the midline. Although abdominoplasty offers significant potential benefit to patients who undergo the procedure, it is also an important procedure that also carries risks.

make the decision

Like all surgical procedures, abdominoplasty carries inherent benefits, risks, and limitations. A good plastic surgeon believes that careful preoperative consultation is essential to achieving optimal results from this or any procedure. Surgeons must make potential patients feel comfortable asking questions and expressing concerns and goals so that they can make informed decisions about their procedures.

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