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A skincare recipe for life: 10 priceless tips to save money and keep your skin glowing

The most essential ingredient for radiant, youthful skin is taking care of yourself. Your skin is like a mirror to you, telling you if you’ve had enough sleep or been eating right or if you’re feeling relaxed or stressed, which is great when you’re on the cusp of life, but a one-two punch when life is down. it’s strong and your complexion is showing it loud and clear! Follow these basic guidelines and use the ingredient information provided to try out your own skincare recipes, and you’ll have a little fun while looking great.

  1. Do you know your skin type? Is your skin oily, dry, sensitive, mixed? Know this because then you will have a much better idea of ​​what to put on your skin to help her. If you’re not sure, ask an expert.
  2. drinking water. We are 70% water. I know it seems hard to understand, but it’s true. We are basically a bag of salt water with some bones and organs inside. Your body wants water to replace what it loses through breathing, sweating, urinating, and basically every other metabolic process your body does 24/7. Your body fluids do not consist of colas, tea, coffee, etc… Your body needs water, preferably clean and at blood temperature. That’s half cold, half boiling, and cold enough to drink easily. (Hint: lukewarm water really isn’t nice, so make sure it’s nice and hot without being too hot.) Drink a couple of glasses about half an hour before eating to better aid your digestion. You won’t notice it right away in terms of your skin, but when you (and your bladder) have gotten used to drinking water, your overall health will improve and you may find yourself feeling incredibly thirsty as your body regains its thirst. indicators (which long ago stopped telling us when we reached the next cup of coffee). Little by little you will notice your skin more luminous and hydrated. Start by replacing one non-water drink with one water per day and work your way up, gradually replacing your non-water fluids with water. Your body will thank you and your skin too. Hydrate from the inside! A word of warning: you can drink too much water, no more than two liters per day spread out.
  3. Clean up your skin in the morning and at night. Very few of us live in perfectly clean air. Invisible pollutants and dust accumulate on our skin throughout the day, and we tend to touch our faces frequently without even realizing it. Use lukewarm water as hot and cold water can damage your skin. Cleansing will remove dead skin cells and help unclog pores.
  4. Moisturize, hydrate, hydrate. Never let your skin dry out. Dry skin causes the top layer to break down and have that rough, raw look that is uncomfortable and unattractive. Put on moisturizer when your skin is damp, as it will work best.
  5. no soap Let me repeat that: there is no soap on the neck. It’s too harsh as a cleanser for the delicate skin on your face. Use a gentle facial cleanser instead.
  6. What a pity that the wonderful sun causes so much damage. If you want to protect the appearance of your skin in the long term, you should use sunscreen. Many daytime moisturizers have a UV blocker built in, which is a great way to protect yourself on those cloudy days when you’re still vulnerable, too. Since UV radiation is a cause of skin cancer, this is a must.
  7. Exercise, exercise, exercise. I know, if exercise doesn’t come naturally to you, then guilt goes hand in hand with that word. Have you noticed that many of these skin care tips are just good advice for a truly healthy and vibrant life? Don’t you want to kill two birds with one stone? Feel great and treat your skin at the same time! Blood pumped around your body better and faster helps deliver nutrients and oxygen to your skin and more efficiently removes waste, including harmful free radicals. Cellular waste is removed from your body more easily. It’s obvious, but the secret is to find something you enjoy doing and incorporate exercise into every part of your day: running up the stairs, walking to the store, cycling to work, etc. And joining an exercise class can be fun and motivating. – and you’ll feel fantastically pleased with yourself afterwards.
  8. Sleep. A good night’s sleep helps cells repair themselves, and that includes your skin. Sleep deprivation reduces growth hormone, which is also the repair hormone. New skin cells are produced twice as fast when you sleep. Most adults don’t sleep well, especially those with young children, and it can be difficult to find a solution. Many of us spend more time than we realize playing games on our computer (reading this!) or watching TV. Do you remember what you saw last week? Isn’t it better to feel refreshed and vibrant after a restful night’s sleep than to collapse in front of a mediocre show…just a thought…sleep well!
  9. Beat the stress. Give yourself a break and start looking for small changes you can make to reduce the stress in your life. Stress is harmful to the skin. It dehydrates the body and reduces the effectiveness of all bodily cleansing functions. Hopefully, if you’ve followed the tips above, you’re already starting to see the benefits of a healthier lifestyle.
  10. Stop Using Chemical-Laden Synthetic Beauty Products and start making your own natural and organic skin care recipes. You probably already have the ingredients lurking in the back of your kitchen cabinets or in the refrigerator. Nature provided us with what we need to care for our skin in the form of honey, yogurt, milk, papaya, strawberries, pineapple, avocado, almond oil, lavender, apple, bananas, oatmeal, oatmeal, cornmeal, carrots, lemons, limes, oranges, mint, rosemary, sage, green tea… The list is endless, as well as the possible combinations you can make with all these and more ingredients. Try combining different ingredients. Once you become familiar with the properties of all the different ingredients, you can use the information from your skin care recipes to start creating your own recipes!

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