
6 tips to migrate from roads to trails in your career

Cross country running in high school and college is a favorite time of year for many runners. Sport is much more fun and costs much less to the body than running on the track or on the road.

However, after graduating from college, you may fall into the trap of running only a few cross-country races (if any) and instead find yourself stuck almost exclusively in training and road racing. It does not have to be this way.

Transitioning back to the trails part-time is a great way to remind yourself why you loved running cross country so much. It will also remind you that trail running requires a different set of skills, especially when running on technical trails or near mountains.

So as a road runner who wants to hit the trails, keep these facts in mind:

  • Migrate to the trails slowly. Unless you’re really having fun, in which case feel free to run with them as often as you can.
  • Road shoes are fine for occasional trail use, but you’ll probably want trail running shoes after you start running in them regularly. Trail shoes can range from lightweight shoes that barely fit between you and the ground to shoes that are stiffer than anything you might find on the roads. I recommend starting with a shoe that isn’t too different from what you’re used to but has a more aggressive ride. If you find yourself wanting to try something new, choose something lighter that will give you a better feel for the ground.
  • You are going to fall. Don’t worry; she happens to everyone. Just try to remember not to reach out to catch yourself; a bruised shoulder is generally preferable to a broken wrist. One of the perks of landing on the trails is that you might land on some nice soft dirt. Sure, you might fall on rocks, but dirt and leaves are soft. On the roads, you always fall on the asphalt. since you Will sooner or later, though, it’s probably worth having a first aid kit in your vehicle.
  • Don’t get distracted while running. On highways, you can go miles at a time letting your mind wander and not even noticing your surroundings. Dedicating a small amount of your attention can keep you from getting hit by a car. On the trails, hopefully no cars. However, there will be a lot of rocks and roots. You’ll want to pay attention to where you place your feet. Trail running is more relaxing because of this.
  • Hills are not limited by what a vehicle can handle. When you’re running in mountainous terrain, you may quickly discover that some trails go up or down slopes that are a bit steeper than you may be used to. Running on slopes takes a bit more practice off the roads. On the steeper slopes or if the trail is technical then it’s probably worth walking rather than wasting energy before you’ve developed the proper skills.
  • Don’t take big steps or land on your heels. You want to be able to place your foot where it’s most useful, and if you use a big stride, you’ll lose your balance and have less control over where you land. On the roads, it’s easy to get overuse injuries from doing the same motions over and over again, which can include overreaching. On the trails you push into a new angle every step or three, and poor running form makes your run much more difficult than it would be on the roads. Try not to land on your heels. If it’s slippery, you’ll want the surface area of ​​your foot that touches the ground to be as large as possible so you’re less likely to slip and fall.

It pays to get off the roads at least once or twice a week. You’ll build a lot of strength that will translate well to your road training. The air tends to be much cleaner due to the lack of vehicles. It is fun. Keep the tips above in mind and you’ll have an easy transition as you try to add some trails to your workout.

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