Digital Marketing

5 Responsive Web Design Tips

A large number of internet users now use their mobile devices to browse the internet and this means that anyone designing a website should think about making the site mobile friendly. A responsive website is one of the best tools you can use to reach all users, including the vast number of users who now rely on smartphones to find what they are looking for. This type of website ensures that web content reads well on mobile devices and gives readers the same type of experience they would get on a computer. It adapts to screen sizes without distorting the quality of text and images and this ensures that your professional image remains consistent across the board.

However, it can be challenging to start with a responsive website, but you can use web design services to enjoy an easier time putting everything together as needed. A few tips can also help ensure that you get the best when designing your responsive website.

1. If you are designing the website for the first time, think about mobile users first before thinking about laptop and desktop screens. This is important considering that mobile devices are becoming more relevant compared to desktop computers; More and more people are relying on them to get things done, so focus on engaging your target audience via smartphones first, and then develop the design for larger screens.

2. Familiarize yourself with media queries because they are the features that will allow web content to respond to different device conditions. The queries will check for device resolutions, orientation, width, and height, and with the information, the correct CSS rules are applied. These queries are actually the driving force behind responsive layouts and the more you know, the better you will be at achieving your desired results.

3. Find ways to improve your page loading speed. Responsive web designs have a problem with slow load times, but the truth is that slower speeds can rob you of valuable web visits. Today’s smartphone users only expect fast speeds when browsing and you need to find ways to speed up the loading time of your web content. The use of unoptimized images on the web is one of the things that slows down the speed, so you should consider reducing any heavy images you may have by using the reliable tools that are available.

4. Make web text readable. You want to have a responsive website, but this doesn’t mean choosing tiny texts that force mobile readers to squint while reading or keep pinching to read. Choose a larger size that offers comfortable reading for even the smallest screens. You can use conversion tools to make your headlines responsive while keeping the rest of the text comfortably readable.

5. Choose the correct button size. The buttons should not be too small because it will make it very difficult for smartphone users to touch. Keep them at 44×44 px at least for a comfortable experience. It is also recommended that you use padding over the margins because padding increases the touchable surface area compared to margins which only increase the white space around the buttons.

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