Disadvantages of spam filtering

There are many people who get nervous when they receive junk mail that they often consider spam. These people receive many emails each month. What they do with these is simply organize all the spam messages and searched messages and throw them in the trash. To send a paper we need to cut a tree and by throwing it away […]

4 Cheesy Green Salad Recipes to Try and Love

While salad eaters can enjoy their greens with just oil or a simple dressing, newbies to a healthy lifestyle may find it difficult to do so: they would like to have a variety of toppings alongside leafy greens like cheese, Nuts and seeds. Cheese adds a delicious flavor that perfectly complements the bitter, spicy, or sweet taste of leafy greens […]

10 things to consider when renting a car in Malta

Malta is one of the most popular tourist destinations for summer holidays and car hire is affordable and convenient. Driving around Malta on your own means of transport allows you to take advantage of the fact that the island offers many places of interest in close proximity. Renting a car will help you avoid unnecessary round trips and you will […]

Is Creatine Really Worth It?

Quite popular with athletes, fitness buffs, fitness gurus, and strength and conditioning trainers, creatine is undoubtedly one of the most popular supplements ever! The evidence supporting the effectiveness of creatine is strong: thousands of professional and amateur athletes, weekend warriors, and regular exercisers have discovered it from personal experience. More importantly, irrefutable proof of the efficiency of creatine is also […]

Fertility treatment abroad

Many couples experience difficulty conceiving and after many visits to their doctor’s office and referrals to fertility clinics, are faced with the fact that they may need to consider fertility treatment. However, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is an expensive business and therefore many couples seek to go abroad for their treatment. The average cost of IVF treatment in the UK […]

As "cooking" Ramen noodles without heat

Most people think that hot water is needed to cook ramen noodles. For years, I’ve eaten ramen noodles on camping trips, car rides, and many other times when I’ve been away from a heat source. Ramen noodles normally take 3 minutes to cook. The directions say to simply add the packet of noodles to at least two cups of boiling […]

Living with Maine Coon cats

I have always admired cats of any breed for their independence, cleanliness, and determination to go their own way. I have 3 older cats and decided to adopt a kitten to raise because I missed the fun that kittens brought to my life. After watching a TV show about different breeds of cats, I fell in love with the Maine […]

Is a home inspection really necessary?

So, you finally have a potential buyer for your house. He has made it through numerous open house weekends, met dozens of people, and answered a myriad of questions about running his home. However, unless he has done a preventative home inspection before putting it on the market, then it’s a safe bet that he doesn’t know as much about […]