Tips for moms who work from home

Many people tell me they would love to work from home, but don’t think they have the discipline. They have visions of distracting themselves on Facebook, running errands all day, or spending time cooking, cleaning, or gardening instead of working. And some of my clients who are stay at home moms often have a hard time adjusting to the world […]

Good heart exploded? Kidnapped by your virtues

One day I saw a man coming towards me down the street followed by his dog. The dog was behaving very eccentrically zigzagging right behind him as he walked. As they passed me and I looked back, I saw the dog, which was a herding breed, systematically lunge at either leg of the man momentarily in the rear. Clearly accused […]

His most famous painting – Nude Descending a Staircase, Number 2 – Marcel Duchamp

Marcel Duchamp (1887-1968), the most influential figure in ‘Contemporary Art’, was renowned for his strong contempt for the conventional ‘Fine Art’ field. He was somewhat related to the ‘Surrealist Movement’, a descendant of ‘Cubism’. However, Duchamp’s methodology and themes were not well received by the “Cubists”. This led to his inclination towards the ‘Dada Movement’. “Nude Descending a Staircase, No.2” […]