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1st Chakra Archetype and Power Animal – Shaman Healer Foundation for Spiritual Lovemaking

1st – Muladhara: The Base Chakra

Muladhara or root chakra it is related to instinct, security, survival and also basic human potentiality.

This center is located in the region between the genitals and the anus. Although no endocrine organ is placed here, it is said to be related to the gonads and the adrenal medulla, responsible for the fight or flight response when survival is threatened.

There is a muscle located in this region that controls ejaculation in the human male sexual act. A parallel is drawn between the sperm and the ovum, where the genetic code and the kundalini are coiled. Muladhara is symbolized by a lotus with four petals and red in color.

The key themes involve sexuality, lust, and obsession. Physically, Muladhara governs sexuality, mentally governs stability, emotionally governs sensuality, and spiritually governs sense of security.

1st Chakra – Base Chakra – Archetype

Snake: Mother of the waters: archetype of the healer in many cultures: the one who teaches us to shed our personal past as she sheds her skin – primary life force, the one that plunges deep, deep – who knows the way to the the deepest places within us, the one who walks with beauty in the womb of the Mother (earth), the one who knows the way back to the Garden, the place of innocence.

1st Chakra: SNAKE – Power Animal

Each of the archetypal animals exudes a different flavor of energy. In the south, the serpent symbolizes knowledge, sexuality, and healing. Perhaps the most universal archetype, the serpent has always represented the healing power of nature. The medicine staff, or caduceus, is made up of two snakes entwined around a rod.

In the East it is the coiled serpent of the Kundalini energy. The snake represents the primordial connection with the feminine and is therefore a symbol of fertility and sexuality. It symbolizes the essential life force that seeks union and creation. We can invoke the creative principle by invoking the serpent archetype.

The snake represents the primordial connection with the feminine and is therefore a symbol of fertility and sexuality. It symbolizes the essential life force that seeks union and creation. We can invoke the creative principle by invoking the serpent archetype.

Make love Meditation of the chakras: Once the penis and vagina are connected, communicate with your partner about where your care will begin. Use your attention to link each chakra starting with the base chakra and ending with the crown chakra.

Since your attention is pure intelligence and your attention is “I”, the act of making love is instantly connected with the intelligence of the inner universe. Focus your attention on each chakra. The woman is the host of the third energy body that surrounds them both. This third body of energy is the protection and provider of the equipment. All life begins in the womb. The man directs and the woman welcomes. Use teamwork to create infinite beauty in your lives. Surrender to each other.

Cousin: Learn to easily incorporate first chakra knowledge into Spiritual Lovemaking.

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