The Crucible – Hysteria and Panic

The dark witches sing their evil song and dance around the fiery cauldron help us, oh hectate god, send your wrathful dogs to avenge us. This is the image of modern paganism or neopaganism. Unfortunately, it is very wrong, since they worship Hectate, Wiccans are bound not to hurt anyone, at least in their modern form. Hence the creation of […]

Energy flow: the key to your reality

Have you ever wondered why sometimes everything in your life and/or your business flows correctly? But then there are the other times when the right people or customers just don’t show up at your door. Why did this happened? Is it just “good” or “bad” luck? Is the bad economy to blame? No. There is no such thing as “luck”. […]

Seven Mile Beach, Cayman Islands is heavenly

Seven Mile Beach in the Cayman Islands is heavenly. It is a place where tranquility meets natural beauty. The white sand of this beach makes it look not only beautiful but also a place worth going to. Although the beach is just under a mile long, its beauty makes it famous throughout the world. Seven Mile Beach is located near […]

Kuta, Bali – The famous beach

It seems that almost all the time, Kuta appears at the top of the itinerary list when one begins their plan to visit Bali. “If you haven’t been to Kuta, you haven’t been to Bali”, as the saying goes. It is often confusing when the word Kuta is mentioned. Try doing a Google search and you’ll get at least a […]

Water Hazards and Weather Awareness: Your Responsibilities as a Recreational Boat Operator

weather awareness Weather forecast information is available from the following sources: newspapers the Internet Radio – AM and FM TV weather channels radiotelephones Environment Canada personal observation Understanding the weather and water conditions is a key aspect of boating safely. Boaters need to know how to get up-to-date and relevant information before they head out. Boaters also need to know […]

Here are the best pregnancy breakfast ideas for expecting moms

Whether you wake up nauseated or cravings, a healthy breakfast is very important if you’re pregnant. These easy-to-use, mostly pre-cooked breakfast options are packed with essential nutrients to keep you healthy, support your baby’s growth, and start your day off right. Ideas for breakfast during pregnancy will guide you on the path to better nutrition. Breakfast with salmon and cream […]

Top Tips for a Cheap Visit to Aruba

Located on the north coast of Venezuela and famous for its white sand beaches, Aruba is part of the Caribbean islands. The southwest coast has many white sand beaches, while the northeast coast has a rocky coastline and dangerous undercurrents. Cheap air tickets are available to visit this charming island city. In addition to official Dutch and Papiamento, Spanish and […]