Life balance for middle-aged women: myth or reality?

Middle-aged women have one of the highest levels of stress found in our culture today. This is not surprising, given the multiple roles they play, the expectations of our culture, and the speed of our lifestyles. Middle-aged women are working in senior positions on a scale never before achieved by women. At the same time, there’s a 50 percent chance […]

Laziness, the biggest obstacle to success

Are you lazy?; You are lazy? Very few people can answer ‘No’ to that question. Basically, we are all lazy, although the degree of laziness can vary. If people have the option of doing nothing and reading a book that could improve their lives, which do you think most people would choose? Being idle, of course. Because? Because that’s so […]

Top Two Theme Park Safety Tips

If you’ve just bought your Disney World tickets, you’re probably excited at the prospect of spending a day at one of the world’s best theme parks, however it’s worth tempering that excitement with a little planning; to make sure everyone not only has a fun day, but a safe one as well. This article takes a look at some of […]

How to help your daughter as a teen mom

What do you do when your teenage daughter arrives and tells you that she is pregnant? Choking her is not an option. Parent response: The “real world” is already too harsh for teenagers and now your baby is having a baby. How you respond will determine your success or failure. She has spent time educating her on abstinence and birth […]

How Disney Princess Tiana Compares To Cinderella

One of Disney’s most classic tales, that of Princess Cinderella, has a lot in common with the newest of the Disney princesses. Princess Tiana from the new film, The Princess and the Frog, takes aspects of the exceptional story of Princess Cinderella and gives it a refreshing modern twist. Both stories begin with working young women. Cinderella is overworked, trying […]

Book Review: Pleng’s Song by Patrick Maher

Patrick Maher shows what life is like for a girl who attends a private school and lives warm, everything is provided. If the cable on her laptop burns out, he calls her father and asks for a replacement. She does her writing homework and goes on with her life as she is expected of a school girl. But there is […]

A pet duck, in the house, wears diapers – Yes!

It’s amazing to hear and not many people have heard of this lens; yes, there are ducks that live in human homes. It’s very rare, but it seems to be happening more frequently these days. Ducks are becoming domesticated in various areas of the country. Believe it or not, ducks make great pets. There is a lot involved in the […]

How to make money cleaning foreclosed houses

The number of foreclosed homes is increasing rapidly each month. Every day houses are being repossessed and the former owners leave them still littered with trash and abandoned property. This causes a problem for banks and real estate agents who have bought the properties but don’t want to go through the trouble of cleaning them up. By starting a business […]