Choosing the Best Spring Texas Daycare

When finding a daycare, you can be confident that there are a few things every parent should do to ensure that their child or children are in a safe environment where they can learn and grow. Cheap is not always bad and expensive is not always better. Here we have put together some easy tips that can help you on […]

Time Management and Planning Tips

“I must rule the clock, not be ruled by it.” ~Golda Meir “Time is a thing that can never be regained. One can lose friends and win back. One can lose money and win back. Opportunity, once spurned, can come again. But the hours lost in idleness can never be undone. recover to be used in lucrative activities” ~Winston Churchill […]

Entrepreneurship: The dreaded 16-letter word!

Entrepreneurship! This 16 letter word has so much power and yet projects so much fear. It’s a dreaded word for some and a liberating journey for others. For me it is a liberating journey. Yes, it’s challenging. It definitely gets difficult at times. There are days when you are going to feel like you are on your last stretch of […]

Linear active warm-ups

The benefits of active warm-ups far exceed any other form of static warm-up method in use today. Aside from being shown to be most effective in sports labs across the country, it makes sense if you stop to think about it for a second. Why do we insist on sitting down and stretching our hamstrings before going for a run […]

Christmas Olympics! let the games begin

Our daughter Shanna believed in Santa until she was 9 years old. She seemed to represent all things Christmas, but Shanna felt sorry for him. She was sure that a cheerful old man like him would feel sad because the mail only arrived in December, so until she was 9 years old, she started communicating with Santa every January for […]

Benefits of woven baskets

Basketry is a time-tested craft that has been passed down from generation to generation through a multitude of cultures. The process of creating woven storage baskets involves weaving unspun plant fibers into a basket shape. It is not limited to plant fibers, as a woven basket can be constructed from any flexible material that can be bent and manipulated to […]

Yummy Yummy: The 7 Best Business Lessons From Wiggles

At Macquarie University in the early 1990s, three Australian early childhood education students, Murray Cook, Greg Page and Anthony Field, decided that they had an urge to dress in brightly colored suits of red, yellow and blue (respectively). that look like the uniforms from the original “Star Trek” series. It wasn’t long before Anthony Field’s bandmate in The Cockroaches, Jeff […]