Conserving your energy using the 4 P’s

Everyone has experienced the challenge of trying to conserve enough energy to do the everyday things on our to-do list, and when you have arthritis it can make things very difficult by limiting the amount of energy you have and interfering with the ability to do them every day. activities, work and enjoying that precious time with your family and […]

High intensity interval training (HIIT) to lose weight, achieve a perfect body and improve fitness

Many people try to burn fat by spending hours on a bike, treadmill, or elliptical machine while pretending they are doing something else. Look around a typical cardio room and you’ll see people reading books, watching TV, and doing anything but concentrating on working out. Sure, it’s a nice way to spend the afternoon, but exercise like that won’t help […]

The development of the English alphabet

The earliest known forms of writing represented words with pictures. The cuneiform script started by the Sumerians and the hieroglyphs used by the Egyptians were two of the original ways of communicating in written form. Egyptian pictographs had a cursive form called hieratic that was faster to write, was a freer and more flexible interpretation of the pictographs, and featured […]

Don’t buy baby gift baskets, make your own

Have you ever noticed how some baby gifts stand out from the crowd while others seem to get lost in the pile of presents? Baby gift baskets are nothing more than a handful of gifts that include toys, books, sweets, etc. packed in a beautiful basket. But shopping for baby gift baskets isn’t enough these days. Presentation is the most […]