Delaware legal trusts

A Delaware legal trust (commonly known as a DST) is, as the name suggests, a legal entity created as a trust under the law of the state of Delaware. A DST is created for real estate investment purposes and is especially useful on a 1031 exchange. Under a DST, each investor owns a prorated share of the DST itself. The […]

Real estate investing: a smarter approach

Although most financial planners advise their clients, investing in real estate should be a central component of an overall investment strategy, it is important to fully consider personal needs, limitations, goals and priorities best ways, proceed and invest wisely, for one’s own financial, personal and general situation. Some invest in real estate, passively, buying shares of a Real Estate Investment […]

3 of the top 9 reasons the housing bubble is bursting

If you own a real estate property or are thinking about buying a property, you better pay attention, because this could be the most important message you will receive this year regarding real estate and your financial future. The last five years have seen explosive growth in the real estate market, and as a result, many people believe that real […]

Denver Victorian architectural styles

The Denver Victorian is a common sight, especially in the city’s more historic neighborhoods. These houses were primarily built between the 1880s and 1910s and feature various architectural styles. Denver Victorians do not represent the full period, as Denver real estate was developed in the late Victorian period and the styles in vogue at the time prevailed. Denver’s population grew […]

Where to buy household supplies

If you are thinking of doing some home improvement, there are some great stores where you can find things to improve your home. You may have already heard of some of them. You can shop at Home Depot, Target, Walmart, and Bed Bath and Beyond. All stores carry a large selection of home supplies, and depending on what you need, […]

African American Entrepreneurs: Online Affiliate Marketing as a Viable Way to Work From Home

The current economic crisis is considered the worst economy since the 1930s depression. While overall unemployment continues to rise, African Americans are experiencing job losses at nearly twice the national rate, and this is expected to worsen as the condition worsens. of the population the economy declines. However, as more people lose their traditional jobs, more and more business owners […]

The Three Basic Types of Home Foundation

There are three basic types of foundation that are used today in the construction of a house. Slab foundations A slab foundation is a foundation built directly on the ground with no basement or space between floors. Slab foundations are common in areas where soil conditions are not suitable for a basement and are the most common foundations found in […]

Book review of “Extreme Coupons”

I’ve been a fan of the TV show “Extreme Couponing,” but I get frustrated that they don’t show you how to make it happen. I bought the book written by Joni Meyer-Crothers with Beth Adelman in the hopes that the secrets would be revealed. I almost knew the information, but I have never achieved the same results. It was nice […]

Explanation of terms related to energy

Here are some terms you may come across when researching energy, heating and efficiency related products: AFUE – Annual Fuel Utilization Efficiency – An efficiency rating that measures how efficiently gas and other appliances that burn fossil fuels use their primary fuel source throughout an entire heating season. It does not take into account how efficiently any component in the […]