The Basics of Keeping Your Cairn Terrier Happy

While the Cairn Terrier is certainly a very popular dog, owning one isn’t for everyone! The breed is extremely energetic, excitable, and notoriously stubborn. However, if you have the time and patience to raise a Cairn Terrier, it will be one of the most rewarding decisions you’ll ever make. The first step in acquiring a new Cairn Terrier as a […]

Pug Training Mindset: Psychological Insights On Training A Pug

Pugs are arguably one of the most coveted dog breeds. Their distinctive physical features, such as their wrinkled, wrinkled muzzle and large, doting eyes, along with their charismatic personalities, are part of what makes them so cute and lovable. Unfortunately, many people acquire this playful little dog before doing their due diligence on training a Pug or understanding the psychological […]

Dog Outfits: It’s Not Just Sweaters Anymore

You have a dog? Do you have dog costumes for him or her? If she answered ‘yes’ to these last two questions, then he’s not alone. In recent years, the pet clothing industry has exploded as increasing numbers of people have begun dressing their four-legged family members. No doubt this trend was sparked by the increased frequency of well-dressed dogs […]

Pet Wellness – Pet Stress Awareness

Pet wellness encompasses many areas of a healthy and happy pet, so in appreciation of Stress Awareness Month, learn how you can identify and eliminate pet stress to give them a longer, happier, and healthier life. healthier. April is Stress Awareness Month and this applies to all living things, big, small, human or not, particularly our pets. Are you surprised […]

Don’t let me down (Load)

Pop…crack…whisper…sisssss…sisss…sissss “Hey…hey…hey…hey” BANG!! “Jude, don’t make it mean. Take a sad song…” Some of you may have no idea where I’m going with this clumsy, onomatopoeia-filled introduction. But for many, you know exactly what these sounds of yesterday are. So, before we go any further, let’s take our digital generation readers through a detailed analysis of what was really going […]

Jack Russell Shedding – Top 3 Answers

So you have adopted your adorable Jack Russell Terrier. Everything is fine, except that it sheds a lot. You did not expect a Jack Russell hair loss problem when you adopted your dog. But now you realize that you can’t wear black, blue, or any other dark color without getting a lot of dog hair on your clothes. And when […]