Small dog houses for small canine friends

Smaller dogs are very popular these days. Almost every female celebrity has one in their arms on any given day, and whether it’s a Chihuahua, Australian Terrier, or American Cocker Spaniel, it shares the basic needs of every human on Earth. To satisfy his need for his own space, small dog houses are the best option. Although a larger dog […]

norfolk terriers and children

Norfolk Terriers have a reputation for having the gentlest temperament of the dogs in the terrier group. They get along well with children at play but should always be supervised by a responsible adult. Sometimes the child may unintentionally hurt the dog or puppy while he is playing, because they are learning too much. The Norfolk Terrier has a naturally […]

German-American Israelites?

Nicholas Kumanoff’s “Born German, Made American” in The Atlantic Times reveals how “to demonstrate their patriotism, immigrants abandoned their old identities.” In the wake of “virulent anti-German sentiment” that spread to several states, German classes were banned from schools, German-language books were burned in the streets, wieners were turned into hot dogs, and sauerkraut was sold. became “cabbage of freedom”. […]

Gift ideas for the dog or dog lover in your life

Dogs are called “man’s best friend” for a reason. They are our loyal companions and love us unconditionally. They will forgive us anything and yet ask so little in return. As a reward for their devotion, most people only think of giving their dog tasty treats. But just like people, dogs also love to receive gifts. Think about how your […]

10 tips to stretch the money in your wardrobe

1. Buy what works for you! – Don’t waste your money buying suits if you work in a warehouse! Keep your job responsibilities in mind when shopping for career clothing. If you work outdoors, buy clothing that is appropriate for your environment. Don’t buy clothes you don’t feel comfortable in, because you won’t wear them and that’s wasted money! 2. […]

The pros and cons of neutering your dog

What actually happens when you neuter your dog is this: Your dog has no sex. Your organs are removed to make male or female hormones. A male dog loses his testicles and a female dog may lose both her ovaries and uterus or just her uterus. If she keeps her ovaries, she will still produce the hormones, but she won’t […]

How to promote your blog in 5 easy steps

If you have a blog and are eager for the rest of the world to discover it, then a roadmap on how to promote your blog is probably what you are looking for. And not just any roadmap, a detailed, descriptive roadmap, so you know exactly what to do, right? Here’s an easy-to-follow plan just for you… Actually, focusing more […]

Common Behavioral Characteristics of a Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Behavior – The Good Jack Russells are known for their tremendous personalities. They are tremendously sweet and social, showing great affection and warmth for their owners. They are known for their warm greetings and lifelong loyalty. These dogs love to be active and play and are easily bored when they sit still. They ooze so much emotion, in […]