That takes the (wedding) cake

The wedding cake has always been important for the celebration of marriage. In Roman antiquity, the bread was broken over the head of the bride, which meant good luck for the couple. As time went on, different foods replaced the bread and it was piled high, the happy couple looking forward to leaning over it and kissing before dismantling and […]

The purpose of your life: is it predetermined or is it random or is it important?

“Our true calling, our true work in this world, becomes a consequence of our lives. Our work can transform and transcend the traumas we survive, turning them into something useful for ourselves and, we hope, for others.” – Louise DeSalvo, Virginia Woolf Scholar According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, both fate and fate mean “a predetermined state or end.” Fate implies […]

daughters of narcissistic mothers

Our mother is our first love. She is our introduction to life and to ourselves. She is our lifeline for safety. We initially learn about ourselves and our world through interactions with it. We naturally crave her physical and emotional nurturing, her touch, her smile, and her protection. Her empathic reflection of our feelings, desires, and needs to her informs […]

How to get rid of fatty liver

If you have fatty liver, you’re not alone! It is the most common liver disease in the United States. Fatty liver begins as a mild liver condition in which fat begins to accumulate in the cells of the liver. This accumulation of fat usually does not cause damage on its own and there are no symptoms in the early stages. […]

Best Skin Care Doctors in Delhi

The skin affects the general health of a person, as it is the largest organ in the human body. Skin care is of the utmost importance as it is the first layer that fights diseases and infections in the body. Here is a list of some of the most sought after skin doctors in the capital city, helping people to […]