Foods to include in a diabetic diet

It is easy to say what a diabetic should not eat: sugars, simple carbohydrates, alcoholic beverages. Sometimes it seems that all tasty foods are off limits: pizza, donuts, cakes, ice cream, brownies, etc. Is a diabetic doomed to a diet of broccoli and grilled fish? No problem. For the most part, people can eat normal foods, but with caution. The […]

Can perfume affect your weight?

Weight loss struggles are a problem for almost everyone I know. We always hear about the latest diets and we constantly see new products on the shelves that promise to lose weight. But did you know that the perfume you wear can also be used to aid in your weight loss program? Many people find that certain aromas give them […]

Sally Ann Voak’s Chocolate Diets

The cover of The Chocolate Diet promised that the reader could eat chocolate and lose seven pounds in two weeks. Voak’s book contains questionnaires to determine if a person is addicted to chocolate and which of the six diets they should follow. Each weight loss plan includes selections that fit the calorie count for meals, strategies a person should follow, […]

6 phases of the perfect workout

Another day at the gym, another round of “crazy things people do when they work out.” Did I ever tell you about the one time I saw a trainer instruct their client to stand on a Bosu ball, wearing boxing gloves, and then do some type of reverse punch/backhand punch while the trainer was BEHIND him? him holding the pads? […]