Online Career Guidance: Staying Focused on Success

Professional orientation At some point or another, we’ve all had to stop and think about the big question: what exactly do I have to do with my life? The question may sound philosophical, but no one has really escaped this question. There is a slightly ‘toned down’ version of this question and all students are faced with this version of […]

Stop pulling your hair out from holiday stress

Mary enjoyed stress relief before the Christmas season; however, the stress of the (Christmas) holidays seems to overwhelm her and cause her to pull her hair. So Mary enlisted my help dealing with holiday stress and hair pulling. To help her, I asked Mary to share her concerns that created the chaos of holiday stress. Here are your answers. 1. […]

Advantages and Disadvantages of Various Types of Organizations

Traditional (classical) organization In this way, a general manager has all the functions required to deliver a product or service. Activity groups are headed by department or division management. Each department can maintain a high level of technical expertise and focus. advantages: Easier to budget and control costs. Greater control of technical resources, since they are all managed under the […]

The top four motivations for Canadians working abroad

Canadians working abroad have many opportunities to grow and advance their careers, a fact that significantly affects their decision to go abroad. Whether you stay in the Commonwealth, go to the states, or travel to faraway lands, there are several good reasons to find employment abroad. 1. Living abroad provided opportunities for adventure and personal growth. At the end of […]

Does affiliate marketing still work?

Affiliate marketers make money by selling products created by other companies for a commission. But things online have gotten a lot more competitive than when affiliate marketing started nearly 20 years ago. Affiliate marketing is still a great way to make money online, but the rules have changed in recent years. Today’s successful online entrepreneurs have figured out how to […]

Cash Advances for Merchants

It opens the doors to the financial world for many retailers. The merchant cash advance industry is growing at an amazing rate. This growth is because traditional banks are not meeting the needs of small businesses. This product is very unique. It’s a purchase of an asset, not a loan, so we have to use specific language consistent with purchasing […]

What Is a Leasehold Mediation Service?

Leasehold Mediation Service Leasehold mediation is a process that allows landlords and tenants to work out their disagreements through the help of an impartial third party. Typically, the mediator helps the parties resolve a wide variety of disputes without having to go through a formal hearing. Leasehold Services dot com A leasehold mediation service can be beneficial to both sides […]

Leadership Development Training

Many companies recognize the fact that effective leadership does not arise from pure instincts alone. Although many people have good leadership skills even early in their lives and seem to be a part of who they are naturally, good leadership skills are generally acquired through training and experience. Most well-established businesses and organizations that intend to employ individuals who have […]

5 Qualities To Look For In An Asphalt Paving Contractor

Asphalt Paving Contractor If you want to build a new paving project or repair your existing pavement, you need to find a reliable asphalt paving contractor. Using an experienced team can help you avoid the common mistakes of the construction industry. A quality paving contractor will be able to help you save money and ensure that the project is done […]