the lemonade stand

One of the best ways to learn about finances is to start with a real-world story that everyone can relate to, a story that even children can understand. The most iconic, if not the most enjoyable, business venture from childhood is the lemonade stand. Setting a table and serving the neighbors a few drinks on a hot afternoon during summer […]

So much work for just 60 seconds

When you watch commercials, music videos, TV shows or movies, do you ever wonder who does the work of putting them in front of the camera and how they are put together? That’s the job of a video production company. There are actually two types of companies that create video content. A technical production company can focus on details that […]

Richard P. Brennan Book Review: “Heisenberg Probably Slept Here”

In this anthology of science and physics, Richard P. Brennan recounts the lives, times, and ideas of the great physicists of the 20th century. In the preface, he praises the extraordinary directors who made a great contribution to the principles of Quantum Mechanics: advanced reasoning from the likes of Newton, Einstein, Planck, Rutherford, Bohr, Heisenberg, and Feynman. Each of these […]

The Communist Chronicles – Episode 1

Everywhere I look, someone says to me, “Oh, Ed, what’s wrong with you? Communism is dead.” Don’t worry, the communists shut down in the early 90’s when the former Soviet Union fell apart. And don’t we all wish that were true? The communists are like snakes in the grass, slithering until the time is right to strike. In 2008, with […]

News in contact

News is essential to stay in touch with the latest happenings in the world. Unfortunately, the news has become somewhat unreliable as a result of biased information being presented by broadcasting cooperatives and news service providers, but it’s important to stay on top of updates in the world we live in. It may seem overwhelming at times, but staying informed […]

How to save money on video production services

Videos are all the rage on social media and other platforms nowadays. Until now popular for recording crucial moments, still images have been superseded by time and, of course, by technology. Today, if you want to record events for posterity, or probably capture the attention of a million viewers instantly, video is the way to go. Capitalizing on a video […]

History of Chinese Dwarf Hamsters

Chinese dwarf hamsters (or just Chinese hamsters) are native to southern China and Mongolia. They belong, unlike the other dwarf hamsters, to the genus cricetulus. The full scientific name of it is Cricetulus barabensis griseus. Compared to the other dwarf hamster species, these animals have long and narrow bodies. People who see them for the first time often think they […]