Hockey greats: three players you should know

Ice hockey is a North American sport that descends from a similar European sport. Like American football and baseball, it took root in the new world and became more popular than its ancestor. The official birth of the game dates back to Montreal, Canada, in 1875, where it was played on a track the same size as those used today. […]

Can real estate still be a good investment?

That is a question we all ask ourselves today. Because? Due to the many stock market investors who speculated in real estate, the problems surrounding subprime lending with the resulting foreclosures and bank failures, and falling home prices. If the late Dr. David Schumacher, my mentor for the last 10 years and author of the now famous book The Buy […]

Think Lean to escape the planning loop trap

Behind the operations of each company is its value delivery system. It is the central processing unit of the entire company. For example, what does a computer manufacturer need to receive an order, process it, produce the computer, deliver it, and collect payment? What are all the steps a mortgage company goes through to process a mortgage application and deliver […]

Dynamic Horse Racing Handicap Points and Angles

The dynamic factors of horse racing are those that change according to the way the race unfolds while it is being run. They can change in a moment and most success or failure depends on those factors. An example is rhythm. Another factor that is both dynamic and beyond the control of the human population is climate. You may have […]

What is UX design?

The user experience is a conglomerate of tasks focused on optimizing a product for effective and enjoyable use. User experience design is the process of developing and improving quality interaction between a user and all facets of a business. User Experience Design is responsible for participating in the research, testing, development, content, and prototyping process to prove quality results. User […]

Kettlebell Exercises – A Workout for Weight Loss Training

The kettlebell is an essential piece of training equipment. It’s a cannonball with a handle, plain and simple. There are a variety of weights and sizes to choose from, and there are even some lines of colorful “rubber-coated” kettlebells due to the growing popularity of kettlebell training in Southern California. But what are kettlebell exercises for? Strength training and weight […]

Why Cyprus to study abroad?

I would like to discuss the potential for US college students to study abroad in Cyprus and discuss the relevance of study abroad students and advisors exploring Cyprus as a relevant and meaningful study abroad destination. Firstly, let’s take a look at the perceived obstacles to studying abroad in Cyprus. 1. Few Americans know much about Cyprus. – so what? […]