Lifestyle Fashion

Kegel, PC muscles and overtraining

Like any other exercise, overtraining also applies to kegel. In fact, you’ll want to take extra precautions by gradually working through Kegel exercises, while working your skeletal muscles. Overtrained pelvic floor muscles can lead to temporary erectile dysfunction and temporary premature ejaculation, neither of which are fun.

So start light and get plenty of rest. As time goes on, you can eventually move on to kegeling for five to fifteen minutes a day.

Kegel is famous for increasing the sensitivity of the penis, which is great for sexual pleasure. However, increased sensitivity occasionally causes a temporary side effect: it is too sensitive for some men and this can lead to temporary premature ejaculation. If this happens, your penis should adjust to the sensitivity in a few weeks. If you are unconsciously kegeling during sex, premature ejaculation can also occur. So if you notice this happening to you, be sure to fully relax your pelvic floor muscles as you perform your action.

Another VERY subtle interesting purchase to notice is when you are walking or just doing your daily activities. If your muscles are weak, they will tend to tense up as you go. Every now and then you will have to come to a complete stop and notice if your PC muscles are tense. 9 times out of 10 they are. This is one of the hardest parts and varies by importance. It is almost impossible to stop it.

The important thing is that you do your exercises a couple of times a week with adequate rest. Build slowly and don’t go too fast. It is better to slowly build your castle than to end up knowing that you screwed up something and have to start over. Every once in a while during the day, stop and see if you are tensing your muscles and relaxing them. The more you learn to relax them during the day, the better they will rest and you will have more control.


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