A safe way to burn belly fat

A sure way to lose belly fat is a diet that eliminates calories and reduces belly fat. It includes bursts of high-intensity activity followed by short recovery periods. This method helps burn belly fat while maintaining the overall health of the body. The best part about this method is that it is safe and effective for most people. This means […]

Eye exercises to improve vision: 3 benefits of listening to music with the eye program

The vast majority of the population is familiar with traditional vision correction methods such as glasses, contact lenses and laser surgery. However, few of us are aware of the natural alternatives to correct vision problems. We know that staying physically fit helps keep our bodies fit, thus keeping our muscles strong and healthy. Similarly, did you know that the eyes […]

Fix common kitchen mistakes

Bread is too soft to slice: Freeze and slice frozen. Hard Bread: Sprinkle with a small amount of water, place in foil, and bake in a moderate oven for about ten minutes. Cake stuck to the pan: Let it sit until it’s a bit cooler, then try again. If it’s already cold, reheat for a minute or two. Hard or […]

Boy with a special pair of eyes and other poems

By the time you’re sixteen you know there is something serious It went wrong. throw me out? No, You can not. Motherhood is not what they say Still, it’s all you own. So pray and pray. A prayer for me: So that you don’t see often Blue bubble floats in the sky. Oh, the dragonfly, my only friend, don’t bother […]

Flips vs. Rentals

Flips or rentals? Which of these two passive income properties do you think is better for business? Both are fantastic options for generating passive income, and each has its own advantages. Let’s take a look at both to find out which one is better. I will also share my personal opinion on what I think contains the most water. I […]

Will the iPhone XS postpone its new launch? Major iPhone Vendor Crippled by WannaCry Ransomware

According to Taiwan media reports, on the night of August 3, the largest supplier of iPhone chips, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), was infected by the WannaCry ransomware and the production line was completely shut down. It is rumored that TSMC was attacked by hackers, but TSMC officially confirmed the incident that some production equipment was infected by the WannaCry […]

golf for dummies

Some say that golf was invented to frustrate and drive people crazy. While one can go crazy, if you simply enjoy the game and see it as a beautiful and fun way to spend your time, golf is a great hobby. Let me start this article by saying that while I enjoy the game of golf, I am a “terrible” […]

Microsoft Great Plains ReportWriter Report Upgrade – Advanced Technique Notes

Microsoft Dynamics GP usually has various modified RW reports such as SOP long invoice form, POP purchase order form, inventory pick ticket. Personalization usually puts the company logo in one or another graphic format, puts some texts: description, general conditions of the company, things like that. If these are the only modifications made, reapplying them to the new version of […]