how to grow taller with carbs

So what foods contain carbohydrates and some are better than others for growing taller? Most carbohydrates come from plant-based foods. Through photosynthesis, plants transform the sun’s energy into carbohydrates as food for their own growth. As a result, carbohydrates (sugars and starches) form naturally in fruits and vegetables, including legumes, grain products, nuts, and seeds. On the other hand, all […]

How to Add a YouTube Transcript File to Your Video

YouTube subtitles YouTube has an automatic subtitle/transcript generator that uses Google’s speech-to-text algorithm. Its main goal is accessibility, to help people who are hearing impaired or speak another language find out what your video is about. It is also used for search engine indexing and thus can help with your SEO. Unfortunately, the software’s ability to automatically generate a meaningful […]

Tips to reduce internal email overload

“Don’t flood my inbox with boring and irrelevant emails!” Does this sound like your personal? Let’s face it, a lot of staff think that internal emails interrupt their work. Even when they’ve bothered to read them, they still have the problem of what to do with all those ‘internal emails’ clogging up their inboxes. Workers say that 34% of the […]

Front bandages and the racehorse

You’ve wasted time and energy on the downside of a race when you see your choice set foot on the race track, whether it’s in person on television. To his horror, or perplexity, his horse sports bandages on his front legs. Does this mean that you immediately change your choice? Does it mean proceed with caution? Or does it mean […]

Top 10 Reasons to Hire a Quality Personal Injury Lawyer

If you are injured in any type of accident, you likely have many questions and very few answers. Should you take legal action against someone as a result of your injuries? How would you do that process? Without proper guidance, it will be difficult to make good decisions and you may simply end up not taking any action. For this […]

Review of Teaching with the Brain in Mind by Eric Jensen

Author Eric collaborates heavily in his thinking with Howard Gardner and emphasizes how we as educators must understand how the brain works in order to teach our students most effectively. Eric addresses how proper nutrition for the brain plays an important role in peak brain performance. He stresses that the school educate parents on proper nutrition and states that the […]

Gaslight Club – Chicago: A Roaring 20s Memory Lives On

Not to be confused with Gaslight in Racine, the Gaslight Club located in the O’Hare Hilton is the last of the original 1920s speakeasies that inspired the old Playboy Clubs. The service staff consists of beautiful and charming can-can girls dressed in corsets, tassels and fishnet stockings. The Gaslight Club extends beyond even that, attracting a more transient business clientele […]