Hickatee: The Critically Endangered Turtle

Dermatemys mawii, the Hickatee, a Central American river turtle is an aquatic turtle that spends its entire life in or on water, even sleeping, and yet staying afloat. This fairly large species of tortoise tops out at 25 inches in carapace length and can weigh up to 44 pounds, 50 pounds if the shell or tortoise shell weight is included. […]

Serotrim’s answer to weight problems

For those who are dealing with weight problems, you may want to take a look at the weight loss program created by Dr. Judith and Richard Wurtman called Serotrim. Instead of making use of pills, supplements or tablets, these two doctors made use of their extensive knowledge in nutrition to use carbohydrate-rich drinks to reduce the appetite of users. These […]

German-American Israelites?

Nicholas Kumanoff’s “Born German, Made American” in The Atlantic Times reveals how “to demonstrate their patriotism, immigrants abandoned their old identities.” In the wake of “virulent anti-German sentiment” that spread to several states, German classes were banned from schools, German-language books were burned in the streets, wieners were turned into hot dogs, and sauerkraut was sold. became “cabbage of freedom”. […]

Barbados: An Overview of a Caribbean Gem

Barbados is one of the gems of the Caribbean and an island nation packed with stunning beaches, great attractions and plenty of opportunities to relax in the sun on a romantic getaway. If you’re planning a luxury hotel stay, Caribbean destinations don’t get much better than Barbados. Here’s an overview of the country, including things to see and do, to […]

What America needs now is a secular president, like George Washington.

Religious controversies always produce more bitterness and irreconcilable hatred than arise from any other source. (George Washington, letter to Sir Edward Newenham, June 22, 1792.) Control your enthusiasm for progressive candidates who flaunt their religious faith. This essay explains why godspeakers, attractive as they may be, are likely to prove dangerous to the kind of nation JFK envisioned: I believe […]