
Book Review – RESOLVE: A New Model of Therapy by Richard Bolstad

Copyright: 2002

Publisher: Crown House Publishing

Richard Bolstad’s book RESOLVE: A new model of therapy It is excellent on several levels and is highly recommended for anyone interested in advancing the science of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) or the use of NLP is a psychotherapeutic practice. It is widely referenced, citing research, other ideas from NLP developers, and non-NLP models of change. This is not a book focused on NLP “pyrotechnics“(his term), rather it is integrative and practical. Bolstad establishes connections between NLP and other models of psychotherapy. He presents a perspective on the usefulness of NLP as an explanatory model, since the concepts of NLP are useful to explain which therapists of many orientations make your SORT OUT The model is essentially a well-articulated synthesis of the use of NLP in the context of an informed psychotherapy model of NLP.

The book offers a historical perspective on NLP and psychotherapy. Bolstad notes that the roots and assumptions of NLP have connections to other forms of psychotherapy. He dedicates a chapter to providing a clear, science-based link between NLP and how the brain works. Bolstad analyzes various aspects of the model (representation systems, submodalities, emotional states, etc.) and relates them to what has been learned in recent years about neurological functioning. For example, his discussion of the state-dependent qualities of neural coding and the implications of this for intervention was fascinating.

Bolstad notes that research on NLP is still needed to make it more useful to psychotherapists. He points out that since the earliest writings on NLP this need has been recognized, “but it took 20 years before the field of NLP itself began to respond effectively to this need.” It goes on to describe several studies published over the last ten years that examined the use of NLP in psychotherapy that found positive results. But the research supporting that NLP is successful “in a general sense” has not been enough to attract much attention among psychotherapists. He also notes that since the inception of NLP, few attempts have been made to link NLP techniques and those used in other models of psychotherapy, with a notable exception being Practical magic: a translation of basic neurolinguistic programming in clinical psychotherapy by Stephen Lankton, published in 1980. Bolstad notes that more than 20 years have passed since Lankton’s book and “both NLP and psychotherapy have evolved.” Clearly, Bolstad feels that more attention to the use of NLP in psychotherapy is warranted. A major achievement of this book is to systematically address how NLP fits into psychotherapy as it is practiced today. Among other things, it advocates incorporating NLP interventions in the context of the therapist’s preferred modality to accelerate the achievement of many specific outcomes.

In my opinion, one of the critical points made by Bolstad relates to the type of information that constitutes data that supports the validity of NLP as a technology of change. While advocating for more clinical research, he also argues that “because much of NLP is a meta-discipline (a way of analyzing and describing other disciplines), research conducted in these other disciplines will often validate NLP hypotheses (page 6) “. This seems to be a recurring theme, as it draws parallels between what various therapeutic modalities do, many of which have more direct empirical support (than NLP per se), and NLP interventions that use similar processes; just described with different terminology.

In chapter three, Options for change, argues that most therapeutic modalities have some variant of the techniques of NLP interventions. Bolstad divides NLP interventions into 10 general categories: anchoring, installing new strategies, changing submodalities, working in trance, integrating parts, timeline changes, linguistic reframing, changing interpersonal dynamics, changing physiological contexts, and assigning. of homework. Give examples of the use of these types of intervention and then describe how these processes are evident in other models of psychotherapy. This part of the book was both provocative and inclusive and left me wanting more of this helpful style of analysis. He highlighted how change work can be understood from various modalities using NLP as an explanatory model. This book illustrates what many NLP therapists already know, “NLP” is evident in what therapists do, whether they call it NLP or not. Provides information to help therapists trained in other systems begin to see “NLP” in what they do.

Chapter Four, the last major section of the book, introduces the SORT OUT model. The model is an informed NLP framework for the psychotherapy process. Although central ideas (such as presuppositions) and skill sets (such as relationship building skills) come from NLP, it is clear how their model would be useful to therapists even if they do not use NLP change processes per se. I know. SORT OUT is an acronym with each letter corresponding to a part of the model. Letters denote the following: “R” denotes the Ingenious state the therapist must generate in himself to work in the most effective way with the client. “E” denotes Set report. “S” is Specify the result, pointing out that establishing a well-formed outcome is a central NLP premise for change work. “O” is Open [the client’s] world model. In a way, this is an intervention, but also a preparatory task, testing your commitment to change. “L” in the RESOLVE model is Leading to the desired state. It is a specific change intervention or process designed to achieve the specified result. “Screw Check change. “E” is Ecological outlet. He discussed each component of the model in detail and continued to make connections and place his ideas in the context of the broader field of psychotherapy. The concepts Bolstad decided to explain and explore were also very useful, practical and compelling.

In the book, Bolstad also makes several points that differentiate NLP techniques from a broader view of NLP in the context of psychotherapy. For example, he points out that NLP techniques are not simply tools to use; they are tools that require context to be most effective. Specifically, he notes that “for a person new to NLP, it is tempting to think of ‘leading’ as the true process of NLP change. In fact, each step of the RESOLVE model is equally significant in achieving change. they overlap and reinforce each other, forming a system that dramatically increases the chances of success. “

Another point that he analyzes is that a frequent criticism about NLP and psychotherapy is that NLP does not understand the importance of the therapeutic relationship. Bolstad argues that, on the contrary, NLP psychotherapy is grounded in a new and innovative framing of this relationship. It is more “educational and consultative” than therapeutic in the traditional sense. He believes that the way the NLP practitioner structures this relationship is one of NLP’s most original contributions to therapeutic theory. It points out the importance of this relationship to facilitate the effectiveness of the change processes themselves.

In short, this book is awesome. Bolstad’s RESOLVE model is one way of formulating the integration of NLP in psychotherapy and it is very well done. Your supportive quotes and your reasoning are equally valuable. It is essentially structured like a textbook, packed with references. In his introductory chapter he notes that if you want to know the research behind what you are doing, rather than a simple introduction to NLP, “this book will provide you with those additional pieces.” The book fulfills this promise. It’s packed with helpful information, explanations, and ideas to consider. Psychotherapists, NLP practitioners and trainers, and researchers should read this book.

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